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Can You Ever Get Rid Of Gynecomastia Without Surgery?

Many men strive for a chiseled and toned chest. To achieve this look, hours are spent at the gym focusing on the muscles of the chest wall. Unfortunately, gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia cause abnormal enlargement of male breast tissue or increased fatty tissue deposits around the breast gland. These conditions result in the development of male breasts, making many men self-conscious about their body. While severe cases of gynecomastia may necessitate breast tissue reduction, for pseudo-gynecomastia, treatment without surgery is possible.

What exactly is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is an enlarged breast caused by an abnormal increase in breast gland tissue in boys and men. It can happen to newborns, boys going through puberty, and older men as a result of hormonal changes. When there is a decrease in the amount of testosterone compared to oestrogen, increased breast tissue develops. This imbalance can be caused by a variety of factors. Certain medications, alcohol, street drugs, and medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, and liver failure or cirrhosis are common examples.

Gynecomastia does not usually cause any health issues, though the increased breast size can cause pain and tenderness of the chest. Furthermore, it makes many men feel self-conscious and embarrassed. Excess breast tissue resolves over time in many cases, especially in infants and adolescents. Breast tissue returns to normal as hormones begin to balance. Treatment is usually not required in these cases, and the breast tissue returns to normal within a year or two. If the problem does not go away on its own, treatment may be required.

What is Pseudo-Gynecomastia Then?

Another condition that can cause male breast enlargement is pseudo-gynecomastia. While pseudo-gynecomastia causes the same physical appearance as gynecomastia, the enlargement is not breast tissue. Instead, this is an area of excess adipose (fat) in the chest that causes enlarged breasts. In this case, the treatment consists of weight loss and an exercise regimen that focuses on the muscles of the chest wall.

Medications For Male Chest Enlargement

There are some non-surgical options for treating chest enlargement in men. In boys, this is frequently delayed until after puberty, when hormones rebalance. Typically, this allows the breast tissue to return to normal and shrinks the breasts.

When gynecomastia is caused by an underlying condition, treating the underlying condition is often the best place to start. For example, treating hyperthyroidism and balancing hormones can return breast tissue to normal male levels. In cases of medication-induced gynecomastia, doctors may prescribe a different medication.

However, when gynecomastia does not improve with time or causes significant pain, tenderness, or embarrassment, male breast reduction for gynecomastia is frequently required.

Exercise can improve pseudo-gynecomastia, but will not help reduce breast size in gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia Surgery Is Safe and Permanent

Male breast reduction surgery, also known as gynecomastia surgery, frequently combines liposuction with breast gland removal. The surgeon can reduce the appearance of breasts while sculpting the chest by combining these two procedures. As a result, you’ll have a more defined and masculine appearance.

Incisions to remove the gland are made on the nipple and do not leave a visible scar. You may be asked to wear a compression garment or bandage while recovering from the procedure. While swelling and soreness are common during male breast reduction recovery, most patients can return to work within a week or two.

Call 9930998023 to book your consultation with Dr Siddharth Prakash.

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