People all over the world have had to adjust to a new normal of working from home as a result of the pandemic. It was to be expected that learning to navigate workflow with new lines of communication and a reimagined infrastructure would be difficult. The unexpected side effect of teleworking that no one anticipated was how it would affect people’s self-esteem and a resultant rise in demand for cosmetic procedures.
The Thumbnail Became The Game Changer
When your face is on the screen in front of you for hours on end, it can be difficult not to focus on flaws.
When you’re on a video call, you try your hardest to focus on others, maintain “eye contact,” and simply be an active and engaged participant. However, your gaze will eventually wander and focus on your own image. Then you notice things like your nose’s slight curve, extra lines around your eyes and drooping eyelids.
Some of those lines may be new, as a result of COVID stress. However, most of the things you’re noticing have been there for a while, but you’ve never spent hours a day staring at your own image before.
While many people have enjoyed the benefits of working and interacting with coworkers in their own space, they have also discovered that spending more time on video conference calls has reduced their self-esteem. And, as more people are concerned about how they appear on their zoom calls, plastic surgeons across the country are seeing an increase in demand for plastic surgery during quarantine.
Despite the fact that many people have stopped going out to restaurants, shopping, and attending social gatherings, they have continued to seek plastic surgery during quarantine. A variety of factors may be influencing people’s decision to undergo cosmetic surgery right now.
More ‘Me’ Time And Money
This extra time spent at home has allowed men and women to address cosmetic concerns while also focusing on the necessary downtime for recovery. Furthermore, less money spent on extracurricular activities means more money for plastic surgery.
Higher Safety Standards
Plastic surgery is done in a clean environment. The preparation, surgery, and recovery areas are all clean, and most surgeries allow the patient to go home the same day. To further protect both the patient and the medical staff, plastic surgeons are required to follow a safety protocol that reduces the risk of COVID exposure, which likely includes temperature and symptom checks, COVID testing, and quarantining the patient before surgery.
Many people have taken advantage of these benefits, which is why there has been a surge in interest in cosmetic procedures, particularly facial plastic surgery procedures, such as facial fat grafting.
Is Now The Right Time?
If you’ve started to notice things you’d like to change, you might be wondering if you should jump on the pandemic plastic surgery bandwagon. If you are comfortable with plastic surgery and were open to it prior to the pandemic, now might be a good time to look into it. With that said, you should consider whether this is something you will still want even if you aren’t looking at your own image 24 hours a day, or if Zoom has simply lowered your self-esteem a little.
If you’re new to the concept, consider starting small with nonsurgical options like BOTOX or microneedling. If you’re ready to take the plunge, consider a facelift or neck lift. It’s a new world, and now is the time to focus on yourself.
Call 9930998023 to book your consultation with Dr Siddharth Prakash.
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